Thursday, 2 June 2011

Interface Exercises - Manual

Aim: Create a different but easier way to play League of Legends, by use of a new controller

The controller is designed to give players another way to play league of legends. It is a wireless controller which takes the normal keyboard controls used but instead it creates a simple to use game pad as shown below.

The controller takes the aspects of the keys used in the game, Q,W,E,R, to create an easy to use controller, with the summoner skills near the base of the palm and Shift in the middle. Shift is used by the palm, when pressed in the player can use what the game calls smart casting, so if they press in Shift they can instantly cast spells at the cursor. The player can also tilt their palm to press the buttons to the side and bottom of the Shift, using summoner skills and/or the recall button. Summoner skills glow the colour of the skills they have selected, so if a player selected Ignite and Flash, the buttons would glow red and yellow respectively. The basic skills are above the shift, with health and mana bars to the side of these buttons. The main skill buttons glow a pale blue. They display a current percentage of the players health and mana, divided into 10, so if the player is missing 10% health then one section would be taken, whereas at 5% no section vanishes. If the player has no health left, each button on the controller lights up grey, and the health bars glow white. This indicates that the player cannot do anything whilst dead. To the top of the controller, there is a KDA Counter, or Score Bar. KDA stands for Kill, Death, Assist, and displays the kills the player has, deaths the player has, and the assists they have accumulated. When a player wins the game, the buttons flash green and the KDA Counter says “Victory,” and if the player loses the controller flashes a dark red and the KDA Counter says “Defeat.”

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