Thursday, 24 March 2011

Character One - Siren

Name: None
Classification: Siren
Birthplace: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Age: Unknown

Specialties: Abilities can vary on where the Siren came from, although nobody knows where.
Depending on their specialisation depends on their weaknesses, like magic proficiency leaves them vulnerable to weapons, essentially meaning that there is no single way to defeat a Siren.
Cloaks are different styles and colour from their specialisation, the one in this case is proficient in Shadow Magic.


Although they vary from Siren to Siren, the proficiencies of this one are:
Can launch darkness at the target
Can create illusion chains to seal the target in place
Can puncture the target, drawing blood
Can transform into the surroundings, essentially giving camouflage
Can turn the area around him into darkness, giving a significant advantage.

These abilities are not the same for every Siren, they vary based on their specialisations.

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